Welcome to our gallery! We hope you enjoy this jump into our personal lives with some great shots. The pictures here are from back in the day. Check out "Recent Pictures" to see some from recent events, like Halloween 2000 and working on our album. 
This is us on either end, with our friend Jason, bassist for Seventh Sun, in the middle, on the last day of high school in 1998. We had all been busted for trying to take the numbers off our lockers. We had to perform serious roll-up-the-sleeves labor as punishment, but we got to keep the numbers! 
This is graduation, June 1998. We are in the back row with good friend Hoffnutz in the middle, and 3 old friends in the front. 
Above: Here we are, also last day of school, 1998. Nick is the center, while I'm taking the shot. They are all telling me what they think of high school, or maybe just what they think of me. In the back left is Jim, lead guitarist and vocalist for Seventh Sun. Right: This is a picture of our hero, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is the champion of one-liners. And he stars in a great movie that is loosely the background for our CD, END OF DAYS. It's a truly fantastic movie. I highly recommend checking it out if you get the chance. |